Invisalign® trays provide a great solution for a variety of dental problems. Whether you have crooked teeth, teeth that stick out, or improper bite alignment, we can help. At Progressive Dental in Oklahoma City, we offer free consultations to allow you to get all of the information you need in order to make an informed decision.

Getting Started

If you decide that Invisalign® is the right choice for you, then Dr. Matt McReynolds will perform the initial dental exam to ensure that your teeth are in good condition for treatment with Invisalign®. Once the exam is complete, the dental hygienist will take pictures of your teeth and jawline followed by impressions of your teeth. The pictures and impressions will be used to create your unique Invisalign® trays. Once you receive your trays, we make sure to give you the information you need to learn how to care for them, and when to switch to the next set.


There are a number of benefits that you receive from choosing Invisalign® over traditional metal braces. As the trays gently and gradually guide your teeth into their proper position, you should experience very minimal discomfort. You can remove the trays whenever you need to do things that would make their removal more convenient. From eating and drinking to playing sports and other physical activities, you can enjoy more freedom with Invisalign®.

At Progressive Dental in Oklahoma City, we know that straighter teeth can make you feel more confident about smiling and laughing whenever you want. If you are tired of hiding your teeth and are looking for something more discreet than metal brackets, then please contact us today and learn how Invisalign® can help.